Top Reasons TV Advertising Will Help Your Business Grow

Therese Adams

Therese Adams About The Author

Nov 17, 2020 7:30:00 AM

Top Reasons TV Advertising Will Help Your Business Grow

TV advertising has been a popular advertising medium for a long time. An average of 60% of Americans are likely to make a purchase after viewing a TV ad, compared to an average of 40% who will make a purchase based on social media ads or online ads. Not only that, it has a wider reach than many other types of advertising and can help your business grow in ways that other ad options might not. TV ads are a great way to help your business grow. Consider these reasons.

Percentage of Americans who Make a Purchase After Viewing a TV Ad

1. TV has a large reach.

When you put your ads on television, you're able to reach a much wider potential audience than other forms of advertising. You can target your TV ads based on your specific needs, and using local programming and stations can help you reach an audience based on your local area. Overall, however, TV has a much larger reach than other types of advertising, which can help you cast a wider net and advertise to a larger number of people.

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Email ads, by contrast, can only go out to the members of your target audience that have already connected with your business in some way, and social media ads may only reach people who have highly specific likes or interests online. 

2. Through TV ads, you can appeal to viewers' emotions.

TV offers a unique opportunity to combine visual elements with sound to create an emotional appeal to your audience. You can evoke positive feelings related to your brand or tug at viewers' heartstrings, depending on the type of advertisement you want to create and what response you want from your audience. TV ads also offer the chance to connect on a deeper level with your customers: putting a face to your business, for example. You could take consumers on a virtual walk into your business, letting them see the real people who work for you or who use your products. 

Watch Here to Discover Why TV?

3. TV is a more trustworthy medium than other forms of advertising. 

Consumers naturally trust TV ads more than other types of advertising. While trust in social media ads has dropped dramatically, especially with the rise of fake ads and other false advertising, consumers still have an average 70% trust in television ads. Consumers understand that anyone can put together a social media ad and have it appear relatively inexpensively. 

TV ads, on the other hand, tend to be for tangible products with real benefits to the user. Most consumers, as a result, are more likely to trust a brand after seeing it on TV. This advertising strategy is particularly effective when combined with other types of advertising, including digital and email marketing, since it can raise brand awareness and encourage trust in the brand. 

4. TV offers the ability to target your audience.

Yes, TV does cast a wide net. It also, however, offers the ability to target your audience. As with their other behaviors, your target audience has measurable TV viewing patterns. They may, for example, watch specific programs or tune in during specific times of the day. Elderly individuals past retirement, for example, are more likely to watch daytime TV, while you can count on moms with young children to tune in during cartoons and other programming geared toward their children. TV also allows for easy geographic targeting: if someone is watching a local Connecticut news station, for example, you can probably assume that they live within your geographic area and, therefore, are more likely to check out your business in person than someone who lives across the country. 

5. TV ads help capture the attention of your audience. 

On average, Americans could see as many as 10,000 ads per day. They see them everywhere: on their social news feeds, in their email inboxes, on television, and in sidebars as they visit websites each day. Often, consumers scroll straight by a large percentage of those ads without ever taking the time to read them or interact with them. TV ads, on the other hand, are more likely to catch consumers' attention. Because of their highly visual format, they can tell a story, entertain, or provide additional information, all while breaking through the noise and further engaging your audience. Through your TV ads, you can increase interest in your business and help consumers imagine themselves using their products, which increases the odds that your ads will lead to a purchase.

TV has incredible power as an advertising medium. If your business has been passing on TV ads, it's time to mix it up and add to your advertising plan. By working closely with an experienced media partner, you can get a better idea of how to target your ads, how to use them to reach your target audience, and how to provide engaging content that will capture attention and encourage trust in your brand. 

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