Why Video is Such a Great Marketing Tool

Stephanie Hoey

Stephanie Hoey About The Author

Jun 15, 2020 8:55:00 AM

Why Video is Such a Great Marketing Tool

Across the United States, 85% of internet users watch videos monthly on their devices. Marketers who utilize video can see faster growth than their peers who do not. Video is an excellent marketing tool, especially as consumers are seeking more visual content, and marketers are looking to connect more. Here are some reasons why video remains king among all content, and why you should be using it to grow and strengthen your brand. 

85% of American internet users watch videos monthly on their devices
Video Is Easy to Digest

Video is easily digestible because it delivers information to an audience in a more engaging way. As many as 72% of internet users prefer visual content when they have to digest large amounts of information, like statistics and instructions. It's possible to take important statistics and information and present it in a more entertaining way to your consumers. 

This information is important and by presenting it through a visual medium, you are able to make the content easier to understand. For example, if you want to inform your audience of recent statistics around your product or service, consider presenting the information in a visual storytelling format through video. Animate the information and add audio to help grab the viewer’s attention. 

Video is Engaging

Currently, visual content is one of the top ways people consume information. Videos are a medium of entertainment and a way to stay informed about the latest changes that affect the viewer. In addition to the entertaining aspect, video has the ability to assist consumers with purchasing decisions. By meeting the needs of the consumer, you can help navigate them through the buyer’s journey. 

The use of visual and audio elements together create a marketing tool that captures the attention of your audience as you present them with answers to their questions and information they are seeking. In addition to providing context, include a call-to-action that invites them to take the next step. What do you want them to do from here? Consider your end goals and then provide a suggested action that leads the consumer in that direction. For example, if you are trying to increase website traffic, ensure that your web address is displayed clearly and encourage the viewer to visit your website for more information. Marketing by way of video allows your brand to target your consumers in a more engaging way, and can result in a higher ROI.

Video Makes Your Brand Stand Out

Your ads are a critical part of setting your brand apart from your competitors--and video might just be the way to make your brand stand out among others in your industry. Differentiate your brand from businesses selling similar products or services by using clever, creative, and bold video. Make sure that your video content is keeping with your overall branding.

Video also helps bring personality to your brand. You don't just want to be a static logo on a screen. Instead, create stunning visuals that explore your business’ true identity and focus. This allows you to tell your brand story and give customers a better idea of who you are, all in a more effective, engaging way. 

Video is Personal

Many people feel a more emotional connection to video content. Visual storytelling is a highly engaging medium that captures a consumer’s attention better than other types of content. Through the stimulation of multiple senses, video has the ability to create a deeper connection for the viewer with the presentation of authentic content. By sharing the faces of your company or your customers, incorporating music and voice overs, and other attention-grabbing aspects, your content can be interpreted as more authentic and less as an ad. After a consumer is presented with authentic content several times, that can begin to be associated with the brand overall.

Video allows you to speak to your target audience on a level that relates to something they're going through or question they need answered. For example, Ad Council does a great job of provoking emotion through their visual storytelling elements. Their campaigns such as Love Has No Labels and the most recent, #OutThereForUs, show real people and encourage the viewer to take action. Through your videos, you can create a sense of connection while showing your commitment to your audience. 

Using Video to Elevate Your Message

Video can be a highly effective way to increase the return on your marketing investment. Not only does it help create a connection that customers are more likely to associate with your brand, but it also does well with search rankings. As video becomes increasingly popular, many search engines are prioritizing it. For example, when you search ‘how to change a flat tire’ on Google, videos appear at the top of the search engine results page. When you create a video that is optimized with keywords and a searchable title, you can build your SERP presence.   

Your business can distribute videos through multiple platforms, making it a highly useful and effective tool for connecting with your target audience in many different places. You can publish videos on YouTube, on your website, or share it via social media. By cross posting your videos on your social media and website, you are also increasing your SERP presence. Google scans for more than just text on websites, so if you include quality visuals then you can receive a higher SEO ranking

You can also share your video on OTT and streaming services, or run it as a TV commercial to help expand your reach. While you want your visual content to have a consistent theme for branding efforts, make sure that your video is designed for the platform in which it will be shared. Different graphics, video lengths, and design styles are perceived better on different platforms and it’s important to take that into consideration during the creative process so that your video content can be viewed properly.  

Video is a powerful marketing tool--and right now, it's more useful than ever. Since more consumers are streaming video, watching television, and engaging with streaming services, your business needs to utilize the full power of video to help expand your reach and allow you to increase the return on your marketing investment. Exercise your creative efforts and see just how useful video can be for your business.

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