Businesses need strong advertising to succeed. Learning how to reach the right audience is a crucial means to use your advertising efficiently. Reaching those patrons isn’t always a guarantee, but you can take certain measures to increase your chances.
One of the best ways for businesses to connect with their segmented group is through site direct advertising. It is a reliable method that enables companies to work directly with their platform to reach their audiences efficiently and effectively.
Although programmatic advertising has gained popularity among many businesses, there are some reasons why site direct advertising is a viable, if not better option in many cases. Here is a breakdown of the differences between the two and why you should consider using site direct vs. programmatic advertising.
Let's Recap: What Is Site Direct and Programmatic Advertising?
Depending on what you want to achieve, you can choose between site direct and programmatic advertising. Some fundamental differences between them make one or the other ideal for specific campaigns.
Site direct advertising works solely through human interaction, in which businesses buy ads to place them on specific platforms, like in magazines or on premium web pages. The focus here is on agency input, giving companies more control over ad placement.
Meanwhile, programmatic advertising involves automation, using technology to place ads in front of target audiences. In other words, site direct advertising entails buying specific ad inventory, while programmatic advertising involves bidding for a specific audience.
Both of these types of advertising are useful in different contexts. However, they achieve very different goals.
1. Site Direct Puts You in Control of Your Ads
Unlike programmatic ads, site direct ads go through people and give you total control over where ads are displayed. Programmatic uses an algorithm to place ads on any platform where audiences may see them. Site direct also uses the same format as placing ads for radio, TV, or print media with fixed costs, whereas programmatic ads' pricing fluctuates based on exposure and engagement.
Using site direct, you will also manually optimize your site by going through the media buyer. You get to decide where your ads go, letting you choose better locations where your ad is likely to be seen. Websites allowing programmatic ads often place them in odd locations, meaning that even if your ad is displayed, it might be less likely to be seen.
2. Your Ads Are Guaranteed to Run on Your Sites
More control over where your ads appear helps ensure that your ads run on your sites. Your ads are targeted to be displayed at premium locations next to popular content by partnering with relevant stations or websites.
You can rest assured that your ads are guaranteed to run through site direct advertising, which is distinct from the bidding system used in programmatic advertising. Working with a media company for targeted advertising helps eliminate any uncertainty around where or when your ads will appear.
You can take this further and design your digital marketing and broadcast TV ads to work together in several ways through integrated site direct advertising. For example, your ads could connect people from one platform to another, as customers who first encounter your brand on TV may be more likely to follow you on social media, leading ads on these platforms to carry them over to your website. People who see your ads on TV may also be more inclined to trust your digital ads on various sites as they become more familiar with you.
3. Site Direct Deals Protect You from Ad Fraud
One potential vulnerability of programmatic advertising is ad or click fraud, which you can almost entirely avoid with site direct advertising. Ad fraud occurs when malicious entities deliberately click on your ads repeatedly until it depletes your ad budget, causing your ad to be pulled before your audience can see them. While programmatic advertising can be highly convenient, that convenience can come at an equally high price.
Unfortunately, digital ad fraud incidents affect many advertisers, leading to wasted budgets and lost revenue, but site direct doesn't put you at risk. That is because you paid directly for your ad to run, and it does not rely on a flexible, easily manipulated budget for your ad to run. Using site direct advertising, you can ultimately remain comfortable knowing that your information is consistently secure and that you won't become a victim of ad or click fraud.
Gain More Control and Make Sure You're Seen with Site Direct Advertising
While programmatic advertising may offer advertisers a degree of efficiency and overall convenience, site direct advertising is often the way to go. Site direct is still relevant today because it allows you to buy quality ad placements. You won't see the same results with programmatic advertising, which could place ads in locations where audiences are less likely to see them. If you want to maximize visibility instead of reach, ensuring that people see you and come to both recognize and trust your brand, site direct advertising is right for you.