Melissa LaRose

Melissa LaRose

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How To Grow Your Home Improvement Company With Advertising

There are no statements more accurate than ones that stress the importance of advertising for home improvement companies. Not only is advertising the most effective way of communicating the value of your brand to potential and existing customers,...

Tips For Building Your Brand Before You Have a Budget

7 Tips for Success When Marketing to Local Connecticut

To attract the local customers and clientele of Connecticut, you need to start with a local presence to help make you a fixture in the community. Increasingly, consumers are looking for ways to support local businesses. They understand the...

Integrating Email Marketing and TV Marketing

Integrating your marketing efforts can help you have a much more significant overall impact. Businesses with omnichannel strategies, including seamlessly-integrated email and TV marketing, may see 91% higher customer retention each year than those...

What is the Length of a Successful Marketing Campaign?

Have you ever considered the perfect length of time to run your ad campaign? Run your campaign for too long, and you may notice that it no longer has the impact you were hoping for. You may notice the return on your investment dropping and sales...

What Kind of ROI to Expect from Advertising with A TV Station

TV advertising is just as important as ever. Many people rely on TV to help entertain them as well as informing them about current events and everything else going on around them. Not only that, but TV advertising can also help you reach a wider...